Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Shot heard around the world!

One of the cool things about our CCI rally’s is the tours.  Today we boarded a couple of chartered buses & headed to Lexington & Concord.  Where the Revolution started.

Boston in a day!

We went as a group into Boston with the rally on trolleys.  Enjoyed a planned tour of the highlights with limited stops.  So we went back the next day with some friends.  We signed up with the same trolley, but being on our own we could do what we wanted.

We started at the USS Constitution.
Since this ship is an active commissioned ship in the US Navy, it is manned by active duty Navy.  Talked to a couple of sailors.  What a cool duty assignment.  Mentioned to Hunter maybe he should join the Navy, he looked pretty good at the helm.

We then hopped on the trolley and acted like tourists.
Walked to Fenway Park & got a “beverage” from the right field bar.
Eventually we made the requisite stop at Cheers. Might have had a “beverage” here too.

Ended the day where we started.
