Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Coles Creek, Carlyle Lake

OK, so a camping trip without little kids should be less hectic right? Ummmm, not so much.

To set the picture have to talk about my week. This is the first time our Police Academy has had two sessions going at the same time. Both the Basic Law Enforcement Academy and we added the 80 Hour Transition Academy. We're training 53 officers in 2 computer labs.

It's not bad, in fact going pretty well, it's just a lot of cops scattered all over the campus during the Practical exercises. But Thursday I came in as usual for the 7am start, stayed all day & then had to hold over for the college's official graduation. We were here until almost 9pm.

Lucky for me I was signed up to play in SWIC's Foundation Golf Tournament for Friday. Unlucky for us, it rained all week, so carts on path. And it was "unseasonably cold". (Is it winter, is spring what the heck's going on?). But despite weather & course conditions had a great time with Grant & Michelle Wuller. Did get a Birdie on #10 though.

It was a baby, hence the "birdie", he must of just been learning to fly because there were some control issues. He sat on my club and just chirped up storm. We were only a couple of feet from him the whole time.

Finished the tourney around 2pm, headed home hopped into "CC" and headed for the Lake. We did have a 5 minute stop at SWIC to hook up Rita's car to the back of CC.

Took a different route this time, of course we get out there and run into a detour. But we made it. Once we checked in at Coles Creek, they gave us a chance to upgrade to a lakeside campsite and of course we did...


Got all set up, fixed a nice dinner & enjoyed the fire, especially since it was "cold!"

Saturday morning started the adventure. The guy I work with, Van, teaches at Lindenwood University. His son was graduating from High School this morning so I agreed to sub for him. Since I was coming into town, Rita scheduled some appointments. (We still need to pay for CC).

So up at 6am quick showers & breakfast, drive into Belleville. Of course Coles Creek is on the far side of Carlyle Lake so it's an extra 20 minutes into Belleville. I taught until 11:30, I walked home from the campus. Rita worked until 12:30, picked me up & we headed back to the Lake.

Once we were back we threw some brats on the grill for lunch, then since we're so close to Carlyle, we decided to head back to watch Saxton's first T-Ball game. Of course we were told its was in the City Park. Nope, empty. We drove around the area and found them at the grade school ball fields.

We were impressed. Kids get three chances to hit a ball tossed by the coach, after that it's onto the tee. Saxton, all of 5 years old, came up swinging and connected on the the first pitch every time.

Once he hit it he wasn't real sure what to do, but with some encouragement he figured it out. He did great in the field too. No picking dandelions or playing with the dirt. He watched every batter and reacted to the ball. Great job, Saxton!!!

After the game we went into RV mode. Returned to the campsite (we logged 160 miles today) and started acting like campers.

Rita started fishing with her new fancy fishing pole.

I sat on the hill watching, planning the big summer trip drinking a beer and listening to music.


Of course the rod & reel Rita got isn't as easy to use yet, more practice is needed. So she wasn't casting as well or as far as she wants. So we are sitting there and some kind of fish are jumping out of the water about 20 yards from her, like they were teasing her. Naa, naa, naa,naa, you can't catch me. So after awhile she came back up to me and we opened some wine....

Nice dinner and a fire seemed appropriate.

Slept in Sunday, then nice big breakfast, Rita's a great cook. Then we walked all over the campgrounds for an hour or so.

Rita decided to try fishing again. But this time she decided to use Mica's "Dora the Explorer" fishing pole and???

Success!! We think it was a "crappie". After I suggested releasing it she did.

Brandi came out for lunch and relaxing in the shade. Later that day started cleaning up.

Had a guy walk up admiring CC, he turned out being an E. St. Louis PD Captain. Gave him a quick tour then loaded up & headed home.
Surprisingly, with not having grand kids with us everyday camping we weren't exhausted when we got home. Go figure....
Next week, Rend Lake. And nothing but fun. No road trips, no babysitting. Just us. Thinking golf, bike riding & winery......

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