Wednesday, June 10, 2020

We're New to New Mexico!

So the sad news is that New Mexico is slowly opening up.  Meaning the grocery stores are open & restaurant dine-in is limited to 25% capacity.  So the pools, museums and sightseeing stuff is closed.  Bummer.

But the outdoors is unlimited.  So let me explain, Tijeras, NM is about 6,000 feet above sea level.  There is limited grass but unlimited sand, rock, cactus and fun.  Our campground is limited to 50% capacity.  Its that gravel sand combination and in a valley. 

There are numerous mountains, trails and paths all over so we decided to do the the walking trails.  I used an app on my phone, AllTrails, to find one.  It was listed as "easy" and only about 6 miles away.  We were concerned about the terrain & temperature so Rita decided to stay back in CC and do some computer work.

Good thing she did.  We attempted to walk the Arroyo Trail.  Is started off semi flat but after we walked through the arroyo we came to a "Y" in the trail.  I seemed to have lost my map reading skills and we took of on the trail to the right.  It was a pretty interesting trail.  Super rocky, winding all over the place and most importantly, UP hill.  Kids scampered up with no problem, this old guy was sucking wind.  Granted the trail started a 6,000 feet above sea level but when we popped out onto another trail entry point we were at: 
Great view for these folks that live here, but the dogs didn't care for our intrusion, lots of barking.  The kicker was we were on the wrong trail. 

 So we "sauntered" back down the trail (way easier) and took the left fork and walked that for awhile.  Guess what still the wrong trail again, still not the Arroyo Trail.  But it had great views, not quite as hilly and we had a great time.  Stopped along the trail for a snack and a drink.  

And some blooming cactus.

When we got to the car we decided to try geocacheing.  Jackie had asked me to make sure Kolton gets some finds in states that she hasn't been to.  After a rocky start using his iPad for locating and struggling through one search we switched to my iphone at a different cache and found one!
By then we were ready to return to CC.  Me for a cocktail & the kids to their bikes.

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