Sunday, September 15, 2019

Let's Start Heading East!

So we are wrapping up the Medora stop and are going to head to Michigan for a couple of weeks.

But we have instituted a new CC rule.  It's a common RVing rule called the Three or Three-thirty  Rule. We will now only travel 300 miles or be parked by 3:30.  After owning CC for four years now we have taken a number of long trips and have always had to get there.  So we would crank out the miles and I would be worn out when we got there or heaven forbid we would get there after dark and have to pull into a campsite in the dark.  Well NO MORE!

We may have to fudge the #:30 part if we get a late start, but i will not drive more than 300 miles a day.

So now I am using my map / planning software to plot out 250 - 300 mile days.  Sometimes we go to a campground, Walmart, Flying J, Cabella's, and now we have added Harvest Hosts to the mix.

Harvest host is a program that lists over 850 winery's brewery's, museums, family farms & golf courses that you can stay at for free.  No hookups, but we don't need them anyway.

We had stayed at one in April at Cave Vineyard at Ste. Genevieve, MO and it was great.   Pull in, set up, go try some wines.  Buy if you like them.  Then spend the night.  Which is exactly what we did.

So while planing this trip I located a winery 299 miles east of Medora.  When I contacted them to make sure they had room they mentioned that on Friday nights they have dinner specials.  On the night we were coming it was a Lobster Boil.  WHAT???  We are in.

It was perfect because it was the day before Rita's birthday.  We got there and there were four other RV's in the lot.  The owner told be to pull into the vineyard and set up.  SO we nestled CC among the grape vines set her up went to taste the wines made some new friends and had an awesome lobster dinner in Buffalo, ND.  Who would have thought....

After dinner the owner started a campfire and broke out his guitar and we relaxed with the other RVers and drank some wine.  The best part was no one had to drive, just walk to our RV.

Next day, slept in and drove 260 miles to Saginaw, MN and a chance to visit Duluth.

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