Monday, September 30, 2019

Thunder Bay RV & Golf Resort

So we have been off the Interstate system since Fargo, ND.  A little over 850 miles.  We have been enjoying it.  Lots of things to see that we normally zoom by on the highway.  Diesel stops are more challenging, but we're doing OK.  Keeping our daily mileage down is making it all worthwhile.

Plus travelling with Hunter, my "personal assistant" is great.  He helps me hook-up & unhook the car.  When we pull into a camp site he is doing most of the work, connecting power, water & sewer.  Plus cleaning the bugs off the front.  Covering the windshield & tires.  Plus he helps Rita inside.  Usually after its all done we play catch until my arm feels like it might fall off.  I take a beer break & we go for a short bike ride.  It's been working great.  We are all enjoying it.

I got an email from Thunder Bay RV & Golf Resort expounding on its qualities as a destination so what the heck.  I got a good rate & we moved there for a week.  It was a nice short trip.

A little confusion on park entry, but after disconnecting the car & some ground guides we got through the golfers and to the RV site.  Nice level pad facing #3 hole a par 3.  Got CC all set up and rode our bikes to the lodge for some cocktails.

The resort has a real nice golf course & offers a carriage ride through the grounds for elk watching followed by a dinner in a cabin.  Unfortunately we can't get that to match our schedule, plus its a bit pricey.

We do plan some excursions.  We drove up to Lake Huron at a harbor town called Apena.  Walked around the harbor.  The wind was blowing & the lake was high so we couldn't go all the way, but crazy Hunter decide to run it & try to dodge the crashing waves.
That's a BIG flag & it is stretched out.  The temperature is OK, just windy.

 On the drive back we stopped at the 45th Parallel.

 Our goal on this trip is to take some nice hikes.  We did two this day.  Rita took a break while Hunter & I finished the longer loop.  It was very quiet & enjoyable

 Some where along the line we have become lighthouse fans.  We did the lighthouse tour in Door County, WI and loved it so now we stop for all the ones we hear about.
 The is the new lighthouse at Presque Bay.
 It replaced the "old lighthouse" at Presque Bay.

 We eventually hit the golf course at our resort, yes we just scrambled again.  This time Rita played & thankfully we did better.  Well on the front nine.  She bailed to start dinner for the back nine & Hunter struggled a little.  Did I mention Michigan has lots of trees?????

 Rita did have a gallery on one of her tee shots.  They didn't even flinch when she bombed that drive down the middle....

We did discover a local Polish town nearby that was celebrating the "Potato Festival" and we headed there.  It is a strongly Polish community & we enjoyed a delicious Polish meal for lunch then walked the town for a while.  Ending with a tour of a local Grist Mill.  Unfortunately it was raining at the mill & my pictures didn't turn out very well.  Sorry.

After a week here moving south....

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