After we left Minot we took a leisurely drive west to Medora, ND. I heard about Medora from the GeoAstoRv couple we met last year in Shawnee, OK. They are retired & astronomy fans who have a rather impressive collection of telescopes and like to set up in National Parks and allow people to come out for stargazing.
They mentioned that they would be at Theodore Roosevelt National Park for the Summer of ’19.
So I put it on the trip. On the way Hunter got the urge to climb a hill. (He’s the red blip on the top left.)

So after the Rally we went to the public campground outside the park to refresh our tanks and do some quick laundry. We re-conned the National Park and decided to go in for 5 nights.
The challenge of National Parks is that CC is usually too big to fit. The park rangers said theirs is more open & the spot we reserved was 70 feet long. It looked OK so we went in. We were able to drive through the campground without incident. The campground is a big loop and the campsites are drive thru’s. They pull off the main road and the cut back sort of like little bent roads.
Here is where the day started to turn dicey…. Between the trees on the inside of the turn & on the narrow driveway we really had a tough time getting her in. Once in we could hardly make the turn without scrapping branches. The thick trees were pretty scary because they would really do damage. The branches were leaving marks, but those will buff out.
Anyway as we pulled in, trying to avoid the trees on the left the right rear tires off-tracked the driveway and slid in the grass towards a ditch. CC started to list to one side and we almost had a catastrophe.
Here’s the left front wheel off the ground.

Meanwhile the right rear wheels were in the ditch…

Actually we had no problems with battery power the new lithium’s worked flawlessly…
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